Sunday, February 17, 2008

5 months later...

Hi. Well, now I'm a mommy of 2 under 2 so it's quite a challenge to actually blog more than two or three times a year. Oh well, I won't be controlled by my blog! So, let's see if I can catch you up with out too much boring, "I'll just skip to the pictures" kind of news.

We are good.

Josiah, almost 2, keeps us laughing all the time. He's this cute little clown that dances around and jabbers all the time. We're loving this age, he's just constantly learning new stuff and is in such awe of the world around him. He rocks!

Levi, almost 6 months, is so sweet and cuddly and lovable and chubby and well, just plain adorable! He's huge, wearing Joe's clothes from after he turned one. It's neat to allready see the differences in them. And as you can see from the pictures, Levi has changed a lot. He looks like a totally different baby to me. Little update on his kidneys, since I see that I never did say anything else about that- he has kidney reflux, which is when the urine flows back up into the kidneys. It's rated on a scale from 1-mild, to 5-severe, and he has a 5 on one side and a 3 on the other. For now the treatment plan is for him to be on antibiotics (to prevent a kidney infection) until he turns one, testing through out this first year, and then see at a year if he needs surgery. The doctor seemed really pleased with the results of the last tests in December, which showed that his kindeys are functioning well inspite of the reflux, so praise God for that! So, that's about it for that. He's just a happy healthy baby, we'd never know there was something wrong. We were concerned with him being on antibiotics for so long, but so far so good as far as that goes. Oh, and Levi rocks too!

Before I had my own kids it would kinda bug me whenever people would write and never say anything about themselves, just their kids. Now I get it. It's not that my life doesn't exist anymore, it's just that my life is about these two little guys, and that's just how I want it. But, for those of you out there who still feel like I used to, I'm trying to come up with some things about us adults...Let's see, books I've been reading and enjoying- Let the Nations Be Glad by John Piper (for like the 5th time), Simplify by Paul Borthwick, Nexus by Rad Zdero. Here's some good news for us, well, it's not new news but I haven't ever written about it so I guess I will now. Ever since we've lived here we have longed for a body of Believers to belong to, and for several years we were looking for that in traditional church type settings. Nothing ever really fit. But for the last 2 years we have been going to this Bible study at some friends house with a group of friends and God has really answered our prayers. This little group is more like the original "church" than anything we've ever experienced and it's just so cool to see how God is working and using us, here in our town AND in the world. Praise Him! And thank you for all of you who have prayed with us to find this!

Okay, on to the pictures...


Tefertiller Tribe said...

Wow, I love your update, am grateful to be part of your "church," and am in awe of your awesome pics!

Becky said...

YAY! Thank you for the update! I check almost daily to see if there are new pics.

Sounds like all is going well for you guys. PTL!

Summer said...

Love love the pictures, especially the one of Joe reading Global Prayer! So glad to call you friends!