Saturday, July 28, 2007

Mama Levi

I still can't believe I was brave enough to get pregnant pictures this time. Anyway, here they are. Only around 6 weeks to go. I cant' imagine I can get any bigger. Other than how big I am, all is well. This little guy (hopefully he's little) is a wild man. He's always kicking and punching and doing flips. It's pretty funny. He seems way more active than Josiah was, which seems kinda crazy that Joe could be our laid-back one. Yikes!


Becky said...


Those are GREAT pictures! I love the ones in the white shirt.

Can't wait to hear about Levi's arrival.

Take care.

Wendy said...

Terrie, Great pics-I love the first one on the couch. Too cool. It was fun to eat with y'all yesterday :)
Praying for ya!