Friday, May 04, 2007


Let's see, what all happened in March.... I guess it was a pretty uneventful month for us because nothing exciting is coming to mind. We did go camping, kinda, just for one night out on the ranch. It doesn't quite seem like camping to me when it's pretty much in our back yard. We did have a good time though, Joe loved it! He's just happy being outside.

Joe didn't mind at all just hanging out in the pack and play while we sat by the fire.

my happy little man

Joe with "Mam", Brenda, he's quite content with her!
Well, the other event worth mentioning, though not happy, is that Tim, a Staff Seargeant in the Marines, left for Iraq on the 31st for a 7 month tour. Oh, but I forgot to mention, I have a new nephew, Tim and Stephanie had a son in February, Seth Nathaniel. Seth was just a few weeks old when Tim left, so that's hard. Please keep Tim in your prayers, he's in Falujah, and has a pretty dangerous job looking for IED explosives. So far he's doing allright....
Okay, well, I guess that's all for this one.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I LOVE the pics! Thanks for sharing them! I'm so glad that you were able to get back to your blog!

I'll call you soon b/c we need to catch up.