Friday, November 03, 2006

Home again.

At home in sunny Texas before our trip.
At home before the trip. Just trying out different shots.
Josiah at Manitoe Park in Spokane.
Joe in dad's paint hat.
Mom carrying Josiah in the sling. Both very happy!
Me and Josiah at Manitoe.

Four generations!
Well, we're home. Actually, we've been home longer than we were even there. It was a wonderful trip, but too short. Joe traveled like a little pro, hmmmm, maybe he takes after his mommy in that area. On the flights it was like he thought the whole plane full of people were there just to make him happy. It worked! We had a great time with Mom and Dad, Granny Connie and Grandpa Tom. I don't think Mom set him down the whole time! Josiah also got to meet my grandparents in Seattle, which was so important to me because it's rare that we get to go up there any more. It was a quick trip but at least we got a few hours with each of them. And ohhhh, it was so beautiful! The fall colors were amazing, and the mountains, the clear rivers, evergreens, etc. Mt. Ranier was beautiful and awe inspiring as always. When I'm up there I'm always reminded of how God created it all for us to enjoy, and if that's so beautiful, what will heaven be like! I guess I need to start seeing His beauty in the mesquites and oaks and dry creek beds here, since it seems that this is where the Lord has us for now. Anyway, I rambling now and no one wants to read me chattering on. It was a GREAT trip and I am SO VERY GREATFUL TO MY PARENTS FOR MAKING IT HAPPEN!
Now back to normal life. Joe's got 6 teeth, sitting up, pulling up to standing with the help of the furniture, almost crawling, constantly making us smile!

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