Let's see, what's new lately? It's been hunting season for a while now and Casey is responsible for managing the wildlife here on the ranch and this year the goal was to get at least 15 doe. So far he's at 8. We'll be glad when hunting season is over because he's leaving pretty early every morning to get out there before the sun rises. I'm sure he's enjoying it more than me! :-) He loves it out there, and he has great time to spend with the Lord, while he's sitting there waiting for the deer.
I've been taking more pictures lately, of more than just Josiah. I love getting out with my camera! You can check out saltandlightphotography.blogspot.com if you want to see some of my work.
Josiah is wonderful. He's crawling all over the place. While I'm doing the dishes or something he'll crawl into the kitchen and just sit there and jabber on and on. He's so funny. With his new mobility he's quickly learning what no means, and we're seeing a little stubborn streak in him. Casey says it must be from me. :-) He's probably right.
Well, I better get going. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year! This is our prayer for you-
May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. Psalm 67:1-2